A popular television commercial asks, “What’s in your wallet?”
Inquiring thieves wanna know.

Then my purse was stolen, along with all sorts of personal
and private information.
Recently, the Kiplinger Report published a
slideshow, highlighting several items smart folks will not keep in their
wallets. These included birth certificates, blank checks, computer passwords, home
keys, multiple credit cards, passports, purchase receipts, Social Security
cards and similar confidential information revealers.
I’d like to add a few
tote-able taboos, based on a bad experience.
When a thief grabbed by handbag in a fancy suburban grocery
store, he also picked up a mini photo album, containing photos of my adorable
children. He walked off with my cell phone, on which was stored a contact list
with telephone numbers and email addresses. OK, the phone was
password-protected, but how safe did that really make it?
He also picked up a couple of prescription drugs, still in
their pharmacy-labeled pill bottles. And he made off with my mini-calendar, indicating
my upcoming appointments and itinerary.
Seriously, I never thought I’d become a pickpocket victim. I
hold onto my handbag. I even strap my purse into grocery cart seat belts, even
though I stick close to the cart. I put my purse on the floor of my car, under
my own seat, when I drive.
But someone stole
from me anyway.
Trust me, it’s a big hassle to re-apply for a driver’s
license and to open brand-new bank accounts. It’s a pain to play watchdog with
Social Security information and credit card statements, watching for possible
identity theft.
But the biggest worry, at least for me, was knowing that a
crook had my name and address and photos of my kids, along with my calendar.
Eventually, my
missing tote turned up.
Police officers found my stolen purse a few days later in a
trash bin at a gas station, about two blocks from the spot where it was taken.
My calendar and little photo album were still there. The antibiotics were
intact as well. But the wallet was gone, along with my since-cancelled credit
cards and license.
That was years ago, and I’m sleeping easier now. But my
purse is still a lot lighter than it used to be. And, when I travel, I wear a
cross-body handbag like this one:
Woman with Purse by
Public Domain - Wikipedia
Commons Photos
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