Quick Quiz on Palm Sunday
(posted for the A to Z Challenge)
Q is for Quick Quiz.
Today is Palm Sunday, a high holiday on the annual Christian calendar. Try your Bible knowledge with this Palm Sunday quiz.
How’s it going? Just five more questions to complete the quiz!

(Reminder: Please do not cut-and-paste this content, as I developed it specifically for Practically at Home. Feel free, however, to share the http link, if you wish.)
Palm Sunday Procession
Public domain photo
Palm Sunday Quiz Answers:
1. Palm Sunday
2. Riding a Donkey
3. Jerusalem
4. Hosanna!
5. Palm fronds
6. 6th Sunday in Lent
7. Passover
8. King Solomon
9. Cross
10. Passion Sunday
Yea, I passed!
ReplyDeleteI was 9 for 10. :O)
ReplyDeleteMy A-Z Blogging “Q” post is right here: http://www.word-nerd-speaks.com/2011/04/quest-for-quiet-quickie.html