
I Am Thankful

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

I am Thankful!

Just this morning, a friend uncovered a link to this wonderful weekly meme, Thankful Thursday. What a super reminder to thank God for His many blessings.

Here in the Midwest U.S., the temperatures have plunged to near-record levels. The wind chill (or “windshield,” as a dear young friend puts it) is way-ay below zero. The stock market dropped again yesterday. Gasoline prices are creeping back up again.

Surely, our circumstances may tempt us to complain. But have we not much for which we may be thankful?

Can you list five reasons for gratitude today?

Here are mine:

1. I woke up breathing this morning in a warm house. (“Thank You, God.”)

2. I’m getting a bit hungry. Guess what? There is food in my cupboard and refrigerator. (“Thank You, God.”)

3. My children woke up breathing this morning in our warm house. In fact, school was canceled for the day, based on the cold weather. We have a whole day to spend together, safe and warm in our home. They were supposed to take semester final exams, which have now been postponed for a whole day. (“Thank You, God.”)

4. Today is laundry day. We have plenty of clothes to wash and to wear. (“Thank You, God.”)

5. I need to start my car today and let it run on this sub-zero cold day. I have a car that is likely to start and to run. (“Thank You, God.”)

My list could go on and on. How about yours!

“The Lord is good,

a strong refuge when trouble comes.

He is close to those who trust in Him.”

(Nahum 1:7, NLT)

Throughout 2009, please join us at The Heart of a Ready Writer, a Bible reading and devotional blog, as we read through the entire Bible in chronological order.

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  1. Yep, I'm in the midwest, too... and it is FREEZING!!! But, you're right there is still much to be thankful for. Thanks for posting. God Bless you,

  2. Great list! I'm on AC too! I'm going to look you up there:-)

  3. Wonderful things to be thankful for. I'm always thankful for a warm home and a cozy bed. :)

    Rich blessings to you!

  4. I am so glad you joined in. God is good and I see blessings in your life!

