Donuts and Other Fun with Friday 5
Just found a witty meme for today, so I decided to play along. Friday 5’s questions are in bold, and my responses are in italics. Want to play? Check out Friday 5. C’mon back, and tell me how you responded to the prompts too.
1. Who lets you have your way more than you should?
Well, I have this adorable young sorrel paint horse (see photo at right, copyrighted by Nickers and Ink) who is extremely patient with me, and he lets me get away with all sorts of miscues. He is also wonderful with kids.
2. According to the cliche, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but what’s the way to yours?
The way to my heart is probably through words. As a writer and communicator, I treasure words. Of course, actions often do prove the truth and sincerity of a person’s words.
3. What’s something that should have been put away but hasn’t been?
Besides O.J.?
4. When did you last weigh yourself?
I stepped on the scales yesterday morning, and things seem to be heading in the right direction, at last.
5. What do the cops in the donut shop say?
I can’t stand stereotypes, and this one is all too prevalent. At least in our town, the policemen are rarely seen in donut shops. Although they may grab a cup to go, they tend to be quite vigilant about their work. Still, let’s have some wordplay fun, with all apologies to police officers. Of course, most of those we know personally do have an excellent sense of humor. Having said that, let’s eavesdrop a moment in the proverbial local donut shop:
“If we made as much dough on the street, we might not be in here.”
“That’s the hole point! Wish the brass would sprinkle on a bit more each week.”
“Are you guys sure you wouldn’t like a little cream or sugar in your coffee?”
“Whaddya think we are, a couple of cream puffs?”
“No kidding. This job is no cake walk.”
“Hey, Bismarck, are you gonna let ‘em talk to you like that? You look a little frosted, buddy.”
“If that doesn’t just put the icing on the cake.”
“Go on and cream ‘em!”
“That’s right. Give ‘em a little cruller and unusual punishment.”
“You got it. Make ‘em kringle with fear till they roll on the rest of the gang.”
“How ‘bout a baker’s dozen reasons to cough up the truth? After all, that was no torte. Assault and battery is a felony, for cryin’ out loud!”
“When we get done with ‘em, they’re gonna wish for a little pie in the sky.”
“Hey, Hazel, how about a refill on the java?"
"C'mon, guys. We'd better roll."

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