
Wanna Be a Rock Star - Like Me

Wanna Be a Rock Star - Like Me?

Just for fun, I have to ask. Are you a Rock Star Blogger? I'm passing this award along, by nominating the following as Rock Star Bloggers:

What would your album cover look like, if you had one?

Actually, being a rock star may have very little to do with music at all. You can be a Rock Star, if you build your house upon the Rock.


1 - Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random,
and hit “random.” The title of first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 (Random quotations). The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days. The third picture, no matter what it is, is your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop or another photo editing program to create your album cover.

5 - Post your album cover photo on your blog with this text(as a note). Be sure to nominate at least five friends (by leaving comments on their blogs and including a link to your post), and tag Practically at Home (by leaving a comment here), so I can see what you have created. (Click here for instructions on making simple active-links for blog comments.)

Shine on, Rock Stars!


  1. Thanks for the award, Linda. I'll get it up soon. I like the meme you've got here. This is unique & very interesting.

  2. I made my album cover:


  3. I got it up, but I had to reduce it to 75% to get it to fit in my sidebar.

    Best to you.

  4. That is the best album cover I've seen!
    Now is this your main blog? I noticed on your profile that you had several listed.

  5. That's kind of a cool name for an album.
