Posted for a variety of prompts:
Meme Express ("sailing" - referenced below)
Scrumptious Sunday (“frozen treats” – referenced below)
A Thousand Words (Prompt #12 – photo - below)
Other prompts . . . as listed.
“5 Fun Things I Did This Summer”
(for Randomness)
1. sailing on one of the Great Lakes
2. catching the Cubs at Wrigley Field
3. eating way-ay too much ice cream
4. visiting with family
5. riding my colt for the first time (Click here.)
Free Association
Snackie Sunday says . . . and I reply . . .
1. bush . . . whack (Hey, I’m a trail rider!)
2. home . . . made
3. smelly . . . sneakers
4. money . . . Monopoly
5. poker . . . chips
6. lip . . . synch
7. feel . . . better
8. very . . . funny
9. be . . . or not to be
10. dork . . . master
11. sexy . . . shoes
12. love . . . God
13. my . . . my-my-my!
14. soft . . . serve ice cream
15. hard . . . shell
16. sock . . . missing
17. lick . . . ety-split
18. heart . . . ace
19. hand . . . stand
20. drama . . . show
21. temporary . . . password22. barn . . . storm
23. song . . . favorite
24. gamma . . .grandchild
25. blue . . . moon
26. hilly . . . gallop
Name seven things in your home that you have at least seven of.
(for Sunday Seven)
1. Animals: We have 5 horses, a dog, a cat and a guinea pig. (Of course, the horses don’t actually live in the house. But they are definitely part of the family.)
2. Soup Spoons: We received a dozen place settings of flatware in the form of wedding gifts . . . many years ago. Now we may have seven soup spoons left. (I have replaced forks, knives and teaspoons. But who remembers to replace soup spoons?)
3. Toothbrushes: Although we do not have seven human family members, we have a few individuals who mysteriously misplace toothbrushes. As a result, I always keep a few extras on hand . . . just in case.
4. Sports Bottles: After hearing all of the scary stories about plastic water bottles and carcinogenic chemicals leeching into the water (through freezing and thawing and overheating), I purchased several sports bottles. With grand intentions of converting the family from disposable bottle users to refillers, I touted the virtues of these beverage bottles. However, my refrigerator still seems to fill up with throw-away water bottles.
5. Telephones: Sure, we ought to eliminate the land line. Still, it’s part of the cable TV package deal. Plus, every member of the family has a personal cell phone. That’s a package deal too. It’s actually cheaper than subscribing only the adults. Add ‘em all up, and we’ve got more than seven phones. And that doesn’t even include the old cast-off cell phones, which need to be donated or recycled. (They seem to become dinosaurs almost overnight.)
6. Jam Jars: For happy family life, folks often need to choose their battles wisely. To minimize discord, we offer each family member his or her own favorite flavor of jam. One goes for grape; another savors strawberry. Still another raves about raspberry. You get the picture.
7. Flip-flops: Actually, with a couple of teenagers in the house, one might find well over seven pairs of these. Since when did cheap rubber sandals have to match every outfit?
1. Groceries . . . “Paper or Plastic?”
2. Deodorant . . . “Yes, please!”
3. Psychic . . . “Not me.”
4. Cherries . . . or Cheerios?
5. Spooky . . . Déjà vu
6. Yogurt . . . waffle cone
7. Kitchen . . . gathering
8. Nothing personal . . . “What a crock.”
9. Be nice . . . of course.
10. Delivery . . . “Hmm. Did someone say, ‘Pizza’?”
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