Today is October 30th, Candy Corn Day. Apparently, this is some sort of national holiday celebrating the kickiest kernel of all candydom. Heck, a single piece of candy corn even looks like a sweet tooth.
I really do not like candy corn. If I am going to waste 100 calories or more on something sweet, I'd rather go all out and chomp on a Baby Ruth, Kit-Kat, Snickers or Twix.
Here's a silly video I found that states the case in a clever way:
The questions are in bold, and my responses are in italics.
For: Wednesday Weirdness #27
1.) As an adult, do you do anything for Halloween or is it just another day?
Our family participates in an annual fall festival at our church. (I usually work at the face-painting table.) In our neighborhood, trick-or-treating is usually on the weekend preceding Halloween, and we pass out candy to children who come calling.
As a family, we carve pumpkins together, and we like to make orange-and-black pumpkin face cookies.
2.) Do you ever dress up for Halloween? What will be your costume this year?
In the past 10 years, I think I have dressed up for Halloween twice. We attended a neighborhood masquerade party, and I wore a monarch butterfly costume. (I sewed it myself.) On the second occasion, I wore my daughter’s cheerleader uniform to a costume party.
Usually, if I accompany my kids for trick-or-treating, I wear jeans, my barn coat and cowboy boots. (Hey, that’s not a costume. Those are my usual clothes!)
3.) Have you started Christmas shopping yet? When do you usually begin?
I’m gonna have to pull a Biden here. “Is that a real question?”
4.) Do you look people in the eye when talking? Does it bother you when people don't make eye contact during conversation?
For generations, looking people in the eye when talking has been a hallmark of etiquette in my family. My grandparents and parents stressed this. It’s in the same chapter of the family tradition manual as shaking hands when introduced to someone new and rising to stand when an adult enters the room.
5.) What excuse do you usually use when you want to take a day off work for no real reason?
I ‘m feeling a little hoarse today. (Actually, I need some time with my little horse.)
6.) How often, on average, do you find yourself thinking about sex per day?
What!?! I have internet-savvy children and grandchildren, so I will not address this one. (OK, so maybe their parents were wedding presents, but I still have to act like a responsible grandparent. This post is G-rated.)
7.) What company makes your favorite brand of shoes? What makes them your favorite?
My favorites are Dansko clogs, and Simple walking sneakers. They are pure podiatric paradise. I also adore Frye boots.
8.) Do you ever save alcohol bottles once they are empty?
We have no alcohol in the house anymore. When we did, I’d just put the bottles in the recycling bin.
9.) Do you enjoy musicals?
Yes! I love attending musicals, participating in musicals, etc. Got tickets?
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Trick-or-treating night will soon be here. Fall festivals are coming up, along with costume parties, masquerade balls and other seasonal get-togethers.
Need a few quick costume ideas? Just click the titles to read complete instructions for these easy and economical outfits.
Captain Jack Sparrow would welcome you aboard in this outfit. Who wouldn't love the mischief of impersonating a pirate for a costume party or even for trick-or-treating?
Need a costume, "stat"? The doctor is in. Assemble your own Dr. Gregory House Halloween costume for trick-or treating, Halloween parties, masquerade events or other Halloween happenings. It's simple with these easy instructions.
What will you be for Halloween this year? How about an iPod? Tuned-in trick-or-treaters of all ages will download lots of fun with the iPod Halloween costume. Make it yourself, using these easy instructions. It's nano-riffic!
Psst! Wanna see something even scarier than this? How about dressing up as Barak Obama, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, or another politician or celebrity for Halloween? Here's the simple secret to a no-sew costume of a Halloween headliner.
Super-simple costuming starts with basic attire and a few fun accessories. This article includes pointers for masquerading as a bumblebee, fairy princess, grasshopper, ladybug, lobster, pirate, prisoner, turtle and more.
Adults and children alike enjoy dressing up as Raggedy Ann and Andy for Halloween parties, costume events and trick-or-treating. Raggedy Ann and Andy also make the perfect pair for cute couples' costumes.
Preschoolers to post-grads, girls love to dress up as Raggedy Ann for Halloween trick-or-treating. Costume shops offer Raggedy Ann suits, but you can also easily create your own rag doll disguise without sewing.
Here are simple instructions for creating your own Spider-Man look for Halloween. Choose from the traditional Spider-Man costume, the Spider-Man 3 look or the bookish Peter Parker option. (This article includes Spider-Man face-painting instructions as well.)
Of course, you will want a special sack to collect your candy loot:
Halloween trick-or-treat participants may wonder exactly how they will haul home their sweet loot. Here are ten tips for terrific trick-or-treat totes, super sacks for safely and creatively collecting Halloween goodies.
Horse show barns often host equestrian Halloween fun shows, parades, fall festivals, barn parties or other autumn horsey events. Many horse lovers enjoy dressing up in Halloween and themed costumes for such happenings, and some even decorate or costume their horses. How can you design a delightful Halloween or themed costume for your horse?
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Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.