Flee the Flu
Have you and your family faced the flu?
Had more than enough of "ahem" and "achoo"?
Don't panic. There's hope for me and for you.
Just follow these links ... and you'll see what to do.
c2009 by Linda Ann Nickerson
Have you and your family faced the flu?
Had more than enough of "ahem" and "achoo"?
Don't panic. There's hope for me and for you.
Just follow these links ... and you'll see what to do.
c2009 by Linda Ann Nickerson
Fighting the flu? What can you do to feel better faster? What simple steps can you take to speed up the recovery process from the flu? Try these top ten tips for surviving the flu and getting back on your feet.
Cold and flu season is upon us. Are you stocked up and ready? What ten basic items should be on everyone's grocery lists during cold and flu season? If illness strikes, you will have relieved to have these things at home.
H1N1 swine flu causes grunting in public circles, health agencies and government offices. The dreaded disease, which began in hogs, is now most commonly spread from person to person. What do senior citizens need to know about H1N1 swine flu?
Swine flu scares are hogging headlines, as government health departments scramble to contain the H1N1 virus. Many individuals have become infected with the H1N1 swine flu virus, which has even claimed several lives. How can H1N1 swine flu be prevented?
Neurologists question the wisdom of flu shots for multiple sclerosis patients. The question is mercury.
Did you know that weight room, gym bench, and locker room can be optimum environments for bacteria and fungi? How about the sauna, spa and pool deck? The gym can be a germ zone! How can you protect yourself?
TV news shows shock us with close-ups of nasty microbes growing in hotel room carpeting, furniture, or even bed linens. Pricey hotels and discount dives alike may be over-run with bedbugs and roaches. How can you be safe from germs in a hotel room?
Using a dirty or germy toothbrush can undo a world of good! By inserting a bacteria-laden tool into your mouth, you may actually be re-infecting yourself! How can you keep your toothbrush clean?
Here's hoping you and your loved ones flee the flu and stay well through the holiday season and into 2010.
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