Visit a local zoo, and you will likely find lots of visitors
that “Ooh” and “Ah” and “Wow” about the feathery, furry, or scaly residents in
each enclosure. Look around until you spot a school field trip or another group
of guests, and you may see some folks who are standing back a bit and looking
rather uneasy. They may have zoophobia.
Zoophobia is the fear
of animals.
It’s not just holding animals in awe. This is abject terror
of any or all beasts. Plenty of people are legitimately scared of birds, bugs, crabs,
elephants, fish, goats, horses, kangaroos, lions, lizards, monkeys, snakes, turtles,
or other creatures. This may be zoophobia.
A person with zoophobia is not likely to enjoy a trip to the
animal farm, aquarium, bird sanctuary, circus, nature conservancy, wildlife
reserve, or zoo. And they probably won’t cozy up to your pets, either.
They’re not animal-haters. They are simply afraid. And this phobia is very real.
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