Here's this week's entry for Two for Tuesday’s prompt (“color” and “dust”).
“I'm not going to buy my kids
an encyclopedia.
Let them walk to school
like I did.”
Yogi Berra
(1925 - )
How I have missed my student friend,
As her semester came to end.
She sat beneath a pile of notes:
Equations, glossaries and quotes.
Then, finally the testing stopped;
As bottles waited to be popped.
My sleepless friend returned to life,
Thus ending academic strife.
With flying colors, Kady passed,
Her finals, from the first to last.
In math and science, she excelled,
And every word, correctly spelled.
She left the others in the dust,
And hurried homeward, for she must.
Her loved ones waited, holding breath,
And wringing hands, like Dame Macbeth.
Our happy scholar shared her news
And quickly banished all their blues.
She’s stored her notebooks all away.
Can Kady now come out to play?
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Click here for “Final Exam? Thank You, Ma’am.”
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