
Hearty Hygiene

Hearty Hygiene
(posted for the A to Z Challenge)

H is for Housecleaning.

Who’s ready for some spring cleaning?

Housecleaning may not be a favorite activity for many, but the results are well worth it.

Here comes wonderful spring weather. What a great opportunity to throw open those windows, shake off some dust, and give the whole house a once-over.

Cleaning Supply Costume Lady
Photo by ChuckP
Creative Commons Licensing


  1. Hi! I found your blog via I was wondering if you could contact me as I have a couple questions regarding becoming and Examiner? :) sillyrednewby at gmail dot com

  2. I don't even like spring cleaning the yard!
    I see you're a day ahead on the Challenge. (We get Sundays off for good behavior.) Hope you're enjoying it.

  3. But I don't wanna! (and that photo is making my eyes bleed).

  4. Quite a list! Thanks. If ever there are useful cleaning tips, especially green ones, I'm all ears!

  5. Fantastic photo and helpful links... but I'd rather not clean today. Thanks anyway.

    I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing and Langley’s Rich and Random Life

  6. I'm sure it's abnormal, but I love spring cleaning. Open those windows, let in the fresh air, and make the whole place sparkle!

    My “G” post: Genetic Link
    My “H” post: Habituation: Can You Think Yourself Skinny?
